• Shoemaker Memorial Church, date unknown.
  • The church today.
  • The basement gymnasium.
  • Banquet hall.
  • Collapsed stairwell.

Shoemaker Memorial United Brethren in Christ Church

The first United Brethren preachers arrived in McKeesport in 1878, holding services in storefronts and a local YMCA. After spending a few years in a small frame building, a brick church was built in 1900 named for Reverend Henry Shoemaker. The current building was started in 1926, with its first service being held in the finished basement on May 9, 1926. It wasn't until November 1, 1930 that the church was finished and dedicated.

By 1970, the church had just 210 members. In 1983, Shoemaker Memorial church merged with Jenny Lind Methodist Church to become McKeesport: Hope United Methodist, which closed in 2013.

The old church was sold to Agape Fellowship Christian Community Center sometime afterward. It was abandoned after Agape Fellowship moved to a new location in the 1990's or early 2000's and has been vacant since. Years of vacancy have left the building in terrible condition. Most of the wooden floors have collapsed or are sagging. The City of McKeesport has condemened the building.