Detroit Now & Then: Revival

Former Miller High School Gym

Sidney Miller Junior High School was another former Detroit Public Schools building that closed due to declining enrollment and budgetary constraints in 2007 and sat vacant for a long period of time. Miller is historically significant for its role in the segregation era of the city's history, being the only black junior high and high school in the city. Despite chronic underfunding and neglect from the school district, Miller excelled at both academics and athletics, regularly out-performing other schools.

In 2011, a charter school bought Miller, and work started on a $14 million dollar renovation project. Significant remodeling was needed due to the age and condition of the building, which had been vacant for four years and stripped by metal thieves. Work was completed in August of 2013, and the University Prep Science & Math Elementary School has several hundred students enrolled.

Original photo: February, 2012
Current photo: November, 2013