Carl's Chop House was a popular restaurant located across from the Motor City casino on Grand River. Built in 1951 by Carl Rosenfeld, the Chop House was one of Detroit's premier restaurants, with a reputation for excellent food and service. A broiled premier steer sirloin steak was $22.50 in 2005; fresh Boston swordfish $27.95.
Reviews on rating websites dating back to 2003 indicate a steep decline in the quality of food and service at Carl's. Customer numbers dwindled due to poor service, shortages of menu items, and competition from the nearby Motor City casino.
After losing over one million dollars in 2008, Carl's closed down for "remodeling," and did not reopen. The property was sold to the Illitch family in the summer of 2010. Scrappers have since made short work of the building.
The Chop House was demolished in October of 2010.